COVID-19 Updates

As always, our top priority is the wellbeing of our clients, staff and volunteers. Since the onset of COVID-19, we have implemented some additional procedures and precautions to help keep everyone as safe as possible.

May 2021 Update

Current precautions include:

1. Compliance with all government mandates regarding social distancing and mask wearing

2. COVID screenings for all patients, staff and volunteers

3. Daily temperature checks

4. Disinfecting of all equipment and surfaces between sessions

COVID-19 Procedure

Effective Date: June 25, 2020

COVID-19 Procedure for Kids in Motion Therapy Clinic

  • Kids in Motion Therapy Clinic staff and volunteers will follow the guidelines set forth by the State and Federal Agencies 
  • Therapists will take their temperature each morning. If they have a fever above 99 degrees they will cancel all appointments.
  • Therapists will call patient’s family/guardian in the morning prior to the appointment and ask if the patient or any household member has symptoms (as listed below) of Covid 19 to assess if the appointment needs to be canceled or not.
  • Patients and those accompanying the patient to the appointment, or who will be present at the in home visit, will also have their temperatures taken that day and cancel the appointment if a temperature is over 99 degrees.  The therapist will take the temperature of the patient and those accompanying them prior to entering Christ the King Church or present at a home visit.  If their temperature is above 99 degrees the appointment will be cancelled.
  • Kids in Motion Therapy Clinic Staff, volunteers, patients, family members and guardians will follow the safety procedures at Christ the King Church.
  • The therapists will document in their therapy note their temperature.

If anyone (therapist, patient, household member) has any respiratory symptoms or 2 of the following symptoms the appointment will be cancelled: Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Fatigue, Muscle or body aches, Headache, New loss of taste or smell, Sore throat, Congestion or runny nose, Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea   

  • If anyone has been exposed to a person who is actively suffering from the Corona Virus then they will need to be quarantined for 14 days.  If this is the therapist then all appointments for this therapist will need to be canceled until after the quarantine and no symptoms are present.
  • If the person exposed is the patient/or household member  then they will need to be quarantined for 14 days and therapy may resume if no one in the household has tested positive or  developed symptoms.  
  • If either the therapist, patient or household member is tested positive for the Corona Virus, therapy may only resume after the person tests negative for the Corona Virus.
  • The therapist will disinfect any materials and equipment used during the session as well as the surfaces and door knobs at Christ the King Church between therapy sessions.


Call 360-207-4434

Get In Touch

Phone: 360-207-4434
Fax: (360) 933-8076

Mailing Address:
Kids In Motion Therapy Clinic
4152 Meridian Street, Suite 105, PMB 159
Bellingham, WA 98226

Center Hours: M-F, 9am - 5pm